Before we see even the hints of our favorite fall colors on the trees, our community supported agriculture (CSA) shares have taken a turn towards the autumnal. But thankfully summer’s not totally gone yet, meaning we’re in the few weeks each year where we can see bright summer veggies like tomatoes and yellow squash alongside comforting fall flavors like beets and leeks.

The changing harvests coincide with the last few weeks of our Farm Based Wellness Program, but also the chance to celebrate another successful season with our Fall Tastings from the Farm and Harvest Celebration and Contra Dance fundraisers. And thanks to the diligent and masterful crop planning of our Farm Director, Jacqueline Maisonpierre, we can expect plentiful harvests to fuel those events and our CSA for weeks to come, regardless of the quickly-cooling weather.

So let’s take this time to appreciate the unique moments that come with growing with the seasons, perhaps with a tomato-and-beet recipe that must have been made with these transitional weeks in mind. Bring it on, fall – we’re ready!

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