Ferry Street Farm Stand
What is the Farm Stand?
Each year, we sell our produce at a weekly Saturday farm stand at Ferry Street Farm that runs from Memorial Day weekend through October. Featuring fresh vegetables and herbs grown organically on our urban farm sites, as well as occasional items from local partners such as local honey, mushrooms, and fruit, we offer nutritious, affordable food in the neighborhood right where it’s grown. Come out to get some delicious vegetables and support our work!
We also sell vegetable, herb and flower starts at our Annual Seedling Sale, on Memorial Day weekend. This year’s sale will be on Saturday, May 25th.
Payment Options
We accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits as well as Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), and Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) checks. We also double the value of these types of payment. For example, for a SNAP purchase of $3, you can buy $6 worth of vegetables.
We also accept cash, credit and debit cards.
Open, drop-in farm volunteering hours are held simultaneously at Ward st. Farm (170 Ward st.) behind Hill Career Regional High School each Wednesdays from 9am-12pm and at Ferry Street Farm, from 9am to 12pm each Saturday (Beginning in April). Regular volunteers can receive vegetables for completing shifts as well as credit for community service. To learn more about volunteering with us, email volunteer@gathernewhaven.org or go to our volunteers page.
Is Gather New Haven Certified Organic?
While our produce is not organic-certified (due to the burden of the certification process), we practice organic farming methods. Gather New Haven has also signed the CT NOFA Farmer’s Pledge. For any further information regarding our growing practices please do not hesitate to contact us at info@gathernewhaven.org.