The American Diabetes Association Walk on Sunday, September 23, included many New Haven Farms volunteers supporting the efforts to raise funds to prevent diabetes’
• Rainwater Harvesting! Atelier Ten of New Haven granted New Haven Farms funds to install rainwater harvesting systems at three of its farm sites. A special thanks to Kit Ellsworth for driving this initiative!
• On August 1, 2012, a group of 13 to 15-year-olds from the Explo at Yale summer program continued to expand our farm and nutrition education mural at our Chabaso Bakery garden site.
• On July 15, 2012 nearly 70 volunteers from Global Health Corps cleared brush at Phoenix Press to form our newest farm, Phoenix Press Pharm.
• This season New Haven Farms partnered with Cooking Matters to provide tested, professional nutrition education and cooking demonstrations to all our farm members. Thank you Cooking Matters!
• More water for New Haven Farms! The CT Regional Water Authority installed water taps on three of our farms this past summer as a contribution and demonstration of their support.
• New Haven Farms first-ever fundraiser ”Sowing seeds for the future” was held on April 14 at Bentara Restaurant, raising close to $4,000. Approximately 70 NHF supporters came to enjoy great food, listen to music by Jeff Gitelman, hear presentations about NHF, and participate in an auction for farm share memberships.